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Are you looking for support with your very personal life issues and processes?

Maybe my own healing path and attitude towards healing will inspire you.

I am happy to arrange an appointment to see if I can accompany you on your way.


*It is important for you to know that my work does not replace psychotherapy or medical treatment. I neither diagnose nor treat symptoms. To the best of my knowledge and belief, I accompany you with the tools and knowledge that I was able to gain and learn.

My own healing path

I remember all too well the moments when I felt lost as a child - lost in a world that could have been exciting if it hadn't scared me so much.

Fears because I lacked a safe connection to life.

I wanted to learn and explore the world, I was curious and interested in how life works.

How can a child navigate in a world that is more overwhelming than joyful?


I have developed patterns that made it possible for me to find my way more or less  around. But the edges of life have rubbed against these structures and the inevitable pain has awakened the longing to create better conditions. It wasn't just the longing that navigated me  through the difficult times and repeatedly mobilized forces to overcome supposed inadequacies, but even more a feeling that there is more to life.


I wanted to understand, find joy and have fun. I wanted to find out what is behind all the externals. And so life gave me situations through which I could learn and  become more and more alert to the fine nuances between the lines. Above all, I was able to experience what connection means and how important it is.

A very important place for this was and is nature.  With renewed admiration and amazement for this special world, I have learned a great deal here about forces that always strive for balance and  wholeness. Very important teachers on this path are not only the plants, but above all the horses, which have always triggered a special fascination in me.

For me they express liveliness, harmony and freedom - basically what humanity strives for.


With this model, I took more and more steps off the conventional path and walked routes that brought me into contact with Ayurvedic teachings, yoga and energetic healing work. I have continued to develop the yogic path and combined it with craniosacral therapy, energetic healing and QiGong. There is a nice saying: "When you walk, the path unfolds under your feet" and so with every step a new piece of the path has opened up, giving me more and more salvation and understanding for the world and for the suffering of others.


The wonderful thing: it is not a closed process - there is no end  and there will be still more challenging situations. Healing is a continuous process. But meanwhile there is trust: in myself and in life, which allows me to meet life with presence and keeps opening me up to new insights that allow me to grow. Because life is growth and continuous change. Through all the experiences and processes, the task to accompany people on their way revealed: to lead people into their power, strength and the recognition of their potential. I am infinitely grateful for all situations and encounters that have trained my awareness of the magic and depths of life.

"Our life is illuminated by the light.

Everything that happens is for our good.

Everyone we meet, good or bad,

becomes our teacher.

Everyone we meet, smart or stupid

becomes our student.

If we choose, we never learn.

No more picking and choosing, that's the great secret of life."

(Chapter 27 Tao te King, Lao Tse)

Blüten erinnern daran, daß nach  jeder schweren Zeit ein Aufblühen möglich ist

Healing means to me

the openness for an inner process.

It's a dive into the dark side of life to be able to uncover what no longer works in the well-known structures .

It is the turning to our actual being, that is hidden behind all conditioning.

For me "healing" is a magical path through presence with what Is. It activates forces that connect to larger ordering structures.


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In a consumption-oriented society, it is natural to ask someone or something to do something to end an unpleasant state of affairs. In such an approach one of the most important prerequisites for healing is lost: active participation in the process.

Therefore, for me, the path to healing goes hand in hand with taking responsibility meaning to get involved into the process.


Healing is far more than just trying to feel better. 

Real change can develop when

techniques are not just used to feel better, but when there is a 

willingness to go to  the places of hurt and

fear. In the moment when fighting or oppression stops, an energy begins

 to unfold

Dysfunctional and traumatic patterns that build up over a lifetime and

have hardened, change in an organic process and free their power and potential.


For me healing is a path of trust.

The deep knowledge that there are ordering forces that become active when they are given the space to do so.

The focus is on the healing instead of the imbalance. A powerful self-regulation can pave its own way and lead to new freedom and joie de vivre.


It takes a mindful acceptance of what is revealed in order for a healing framework to emerge.

It needs a protective framework and presence to approach what is not whole.

 Life wants us to be “whole”, that we can live our potential in the joy of who we are. 

 And life provides the forces that are necessary, for healing movements to happen.


          _cc7                             My life and my works are dedicated to "Healing" and to support people on their path of                                                     Transformation.

                                              I am happy to share my works and want to encourage , to walk this beautiful path to                                                                                                    explore the meaning of a deep Healing.










Healing is embracing what one fears most; Healing is opening what was closed, softening what was hardened. Healing is learning to trust life.” Jeanne Achterberg

Die Natur ist ein Vorbild für die ordnenden Kräfte der Heilung
Lavendel erinnert an die reinigende Kraft der Natur
Wilde Tulpe - Wunder sind immer wieder neu zu bestaunen
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© 2023 Karin Franze



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