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Yoga for Businesses

Get a good dose of positive vibes into your operations.

Whether it's a short unit or an intensive themed workshop - it doesn't take much for a noticeable change.

The positive effects of yoga can be felt quickly.

Yoga: es braucht nicht viel für eine spürbare Veränderung
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            Why yoga in my company?

Yoga has entered working life in recent years and  became more and more important as a ressource for regeneration and balance. The benefits of yoga on health and well-being are already known and the positive effects for companies have an impact on the entire corporate working environment.


Through regular yoga a healthy posture is supported, tension is relieved and flexibility is increased. Breathing is also improved, which means that more oxygen supplies the brain and thus concentration increases. This leads to a higher work output and increased corporate success.

In addition, yoga helps reduce stress. A working dais a heavy burden for many people. The nervous system is constantly challenged and overwhelmed possibly without you noticing. The result are short and long-term stress symptoms and illnesses. Yoga can break down stress hormones and lower the stress level.  Motivation and well-being are significantly improved.

One big benefit lies in the positive impact of Yoga on the immune system which leads to a reduced susceptibility to disease.  


Cooperation in the company can also be positively influenced by yoga: Yoga increases the level of empathy and promotes interpersonal communication. This leads to faster resolved conflicts  and a better working atmosphere.


Overall, yoga helps people work healthier, more motivated and more productive. 

Integrating yoga into workplace health management is a progressive approach to long-term happiness.

 I would be happy to create an individual programme for your business towards an increased sense of well-being based on my many years of experience as a yoga teacher and body therapist.

By the wayonline courses are a popular way to experience yoga directly and easily.

Fell free to arrange a trial lesson.


© 2023 Karin Franze


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